Öreglaki Vadfeldolgozó Ltd.

vadfeldolgozasOur company processes 20% of the game in Hungary brought down by Hungarian and foreign hunters. The game is packed in foil under vacuum, followed by packing in collecting cartons. Our products are transported both in fresh and deep-frozen condition to Hungarian and foreign customers. Most of our products are delivered to West-European markets. The factory is a game processing plant approved by the European Union. Beside quality aspects punctual delivery and fair pricing are the main features of our business policy. We provide our products mainly packed for catering, but they are also present on the supermarket shelves atractively packed in smaller units for home consumption; so we can offer our game products produced by up-to-date technologies to both wholesalers and retailer chains.

The good quality is guaranteed by our Quality Assurance System in accordance with the FSSC 22000:2011 standard as well as by the HACCP system.

We believe we can establish succesful und mutually advantageous business relations with you.